terry burrows May 20, 2015 2015 Royal Welsh Spring Festival terry burrows May 20, 2015 2015 Judge - Gail Sprake Aged ram1: Dylan & Delyth Williams 2: Mr T Russell Davies 3: P S & R Gamble & Sons 4: Dyland and Delyth Williams 4: P S and R Gamble 5: Huw Williams Shearling ram1: Gareth Lloyd Hughes 2: Howard N Wood 3: Mr T Russell Davies 4: Gareth Lloyd Hughes5: Dylan & Delyth Williams 6: P S & R Gamble & Sons Aged ewe1: Dylan & Delyth Williams 2: Howard N Wood 3: Gareth Lloyd Hughes4: P S & R Gamble & Sons 5: Gareth Lloyd Hughes 6: Mr S Poole Shearling ewe1 Howard N Wood 2: G Lloyd Hughes 3: Mr T Russell Davies4: Huw Williams 5: Gareth Lloyd Hughes 6: P S & R Gamble & Sons Group of sheep1: Dylan & Delyth Williams 2: Gareth Lloyd Hughes ChampionDylan & Delyth Williams Reserve ChampionHoward N Wood